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Further Exploration


How to Cut U.S. Emissions Faster? Do What These Countries Are Doing

Explore various policy measures for reducing carbon emissions from this New York Times interactive.



Electrolysis: Producing Green Hydrogen from Water

Watch this short video on how green hydrogen is produced from electrolysis.



EN-ROADS Climate Interactive Simulator

The En-Roads simulator can be used to examine different means to reduce carbon emissions and remove atmospheric CO2.



Climate Interactive: What Role can Afforestation Play in Addressing Climate Change?

A recent paper in Science created a stir when it made huge claims for the potential of worldwide afforestation to reduce atmospheric CO2. Read this analysis on how the EN-ROADS results indicate that those claims were inflated.



Energy Innovation: United States Energy Policy Solutions

In the video above, I showed a slide about industrial heat sources transitioning to roughly a 50-50 mix between electricity and hydrogen by 2050. To see more information on this transition, go to Energy Innovation’ policy scenario tool. In the top left pull-down menu, under the Policy Scenario Selector, select Net Zero Emissions. In the two pull-down menus to the right under “Output Graph Selector” choose Industry: Fuel Use and By Fuel (Excluding Feedstocks). Note the Policy Settings (improvements and replacements) in the list at the lower left of the screen. Now, in the Graph Selector menus, select Industry-CO2 Emissions and Total by Industry to see how emissions drop in each industry. Next, in the Graph Selector choose Transport: Vehicles by Technology on the left. On the right pick different vehicle types to see the split between battery electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Finally, in the Graph Selector choose Electricity Capacity, Generation, and Demand and look at the various ways to see results by changing your choice in the right pull-down menu. For all of the various items, explore the effect of changing the policy measures listed under the Policy Scenario Selector. For example, you can look at the change in electricity technology mix if you choose no new nuclear power plants.
