3. Climate Impacts Where We Live: More Extreme Extremes
Led by Katharine Hayhoe, PhD
Further Exploration

Global Weirding with Katharine Hayhoe: All the extreme weather we've had lately isn't anything new, right?
This short video is part of the Global Weirding Youtube Series starring Katharine Hayhoe. In this video, Katharine explains how climate change is causing our natural weather events to become even more extreme.

Global Weirding with Katharine Hayhoe: Is Global Warming Causing All Of These Hurricanes?
This short video is part of the Global Weirding Youtube Series starring Katharine Hayhoe. In this video, Katharine explains that the correct question to ask is not, “did climate change cause this event?” The question should be, “did climate change make it worse?”

Fourth National Climate Assessment: Summary Findings
“These Summary Findings represent a high-level synthesis of the material in the underlying report. The findings consolidate Key Messages and supporting evidence from 16 national-level topic chapters, 10 regional chapters, and 2 chapters that focus on societal response strategies (mitigation and adaptation).”